Friday, March 6, 2020

Learning More About AutoCAD software

Learning More About AutoCAD software A Beginners Guide to AutoCAD Software   ChaptersHow to Effectively Set Up an AutoCAD AccountBasic AutoCAD ToolsWhere to Find AutoCAD Software  â€œCompanies in every industry need to assume that a software revolution is coming.” -Marc Andreessen?  We are currently living in an age of software.  Therefore, the software revolution is not coming; instead, it has arrived.  Software such as Dropbox, Microsoft Office, Google Drive, Skype for Business, and Slack are among the most popular used in modern-day offices.?  In today’s article,  Superprof  is focusing on the?revolutionary computer-aided design software known as AutoCAD. We will discuss how to effectively?set up an AutoCAD account?to use the software,?essential AutoCAD tools?that need to be mastered in the beginning, and?where to find AutoCAD software.    Many drafters in architecture, graphic design, and engineering  fields  use software such as AutoCAD to create 2D or 3D blueprints and sketches for buildings, engineering parts, or computer  chips.?  The various step s required to successfully set-up an AutoCAD account and choose a correct subscription is featured in this link.Basic AutoCAD ToolsWith the AutoCAD software, older methods of drafting or drawing have become easier. (Source: Unsplash)It is not a secret that the AutoCAD software is challenging to  learn.  However,  many experts, developers, and long-time users have provided helpful tips and tricks for beginners on websites, on blogs, and  in  books.  Many experienced professionals suggest that beginners should  work hard to assimilate the functions of  AutoCAD  by spending a whole day  experimenting  with the software  before starting an intense work assignment.?  Remember, practice makes perfect!?  Autodesk  has  developed a guide  called  Autodesk’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the AutoCAD Basics  to  help  beginners  learn?AutoCAD’s tools.?  In today’s article,  Superprof  will also discuss some?essential tools  to  master  drawing and modifying in  AutoCAD.  Basic Drawing Tools   Drawing is an essential aspect of the AutoCAD software?for drafters and designers. The following are some of the most basic drawing tools along with their definitions:  Point:?used by drafters to create a symbol on the drawing that is tied to another specific spot or location on the draft. In the AutoCAD software, points are defined by the coordinates (x,y,z).  Polygon:?multisided shapes such as pentagons or hexagons can be frequently used on the AutoCAD software by all users. To create the desired polygon wanted by the user the software asks the user number of sides and final shape. “Closed polygons” can be edited using the command PEDIT.  Spline:?a spline is a curve that is defined by specific mathematical equations. The user can decide how many  verticles  they wish and  AutoCAD  will release a spline curve that incorporates  all of  these points. The program shortcut to create a spline is “spl.”  Hatch:?commonly known as space fillers, they can be made of a solid  colour  or a more specific pattern that was previously designed by the user.  Other essential drawing tools include  the  polyline, arc, circle, ellipse, and text  tools.  For visual learners wanting to become more familiar with  the  drawing tools,  Youtube  also has several  tutorials  to help  first-time users through the beginning stages.  Basic Modifying Tools  The following are the necessary modifying tools to learn from the get-go:  Erase:?everyone needs to erase mistakes once and awhile. Therefore, the erase tool saves the day for many drafters. Users select the item they wish to eliminate and press the erase tool.  Copy:?to move a selected object from one place to another, the copy tool is used. To successfully copy an item, the user selects two points, and the object is copied using two positions at base point. The shortcut for this modifying tool is “cp/co.”  Array:?there are two types of arrays used: polar and grid. To make a polar grid the AutoCAD system asks the user how many copies they wish to include in their draft. To create a  grid  array the user is requested by the software how many columns and rows are needed to complete the task at hand.    Like  the  drawing tools, there are many Youtube  tutorials that can  help beginners grasp?the concepts of using modifying tools.  Where to Find AutoCAD Software  Where to buy AutoCAD software at a reasonable price?It is important to mention that AutoCAD software can be  downloaded on any PC or Mac from the Autodesk site. The following points feature official websites to purchase AutoCAD:Autodesk  (UK):?Click here to purchase AutoCAD.    Autodesk (Australia):  Click here to purchase AutoCAD.At  Superprof  we make it our goal to help people grasp essential information from a variety of topics; therefore, we hope that?our article about AutoCAD?has personally helped you better understand this software system, how to create an Autodesk account, and where to purchase and download AutoCAD.  Experienced users of  AutoCAD  design software?know the benefits and if you are on edge, don’t hesitate, do it; you won’t regret it after  realising  how efficiently this CAD software works!    Also, it would be extremely wise to consider hiring a private Superprof tutor who is familiar with the AutoCAD functions.

10 Weird (but Common) Questions Voice Teachers Get - Answered!

10 Weird (but Common) Questions Voice Teachers Get - Answered! Suzy S. As youre learning to sing, youll likely have a lot of questions. And dont worry, thats what your voice teacher is there for! Once youve got the basics down, though, you might realize some of your beginner questions were  a littlewell silly! Here, teacher  Elaina R.  answers some of the common questions  and  lays some rumors to rest As a voice teacher, I get asked some pretty weird questions about singing. In fact, I get so many that I decided to write an article about it! Here are the weirdest questions students ask voice teachers â€" and the answers you may have been wondering about yourself that can help you become a better singer. Let’s start with this eye-opening question. First of all, I hate it when people talk about singing from the diaphragm. Steve Martin reportedly popularized the phrase “sing from the diaphragm” in his comedy sketches, and he isn’t exactly an authority on the voice. There are three major muscle groups involved in breathing, and this statement discounts two of them. Secondly, hunching over definitely does not help with proper breathing! Hunching over collapses the torso, reducing the volume of air that you can breathe in. Heres a helpful infographic on proper breathing and posture. No, it’s a sharp. Learning the basics of reading music (including key signatures, note values, and the two basic clefs) makes you much more flexible as a singer. Check out my introduction to reading music to get started! Nope. Women can’t be tenors, but I don’t blame you for getting confused. Voice types are hard to define, and the many subsections and qualifiers make it a convoluted topic. The two basic voice types for women are soprano and mezzo-soprano (known as alto in choral settings). Check out this introduction to voice types to learn more. No, it doesn’t. Tilting your head up actually strains your neck, making it more difficult to sing. Go ahead and stretch your head up, then try talking. Do you hear how strained your voice sounds? That’s exactly what happens when you try to sing in this position. No, no, no! Ive had students get faint during lessons because they didn’t have enough to eat beforehand. I’ve actually had to feed one student during a lesson! While its true that the stomach is right under the diaphragm (an important breathing muscle) and that going to a buffet immediately before a lesson isn’t a good idea, please don’t starve yourself. My small stature (I am five feet tall) has made me a target of the “you have such a loud voice for such a small person!” comment ever since I can remember. But in actuality, just like the general population, opera singers come in all shapes and sizes. Singers of my voice type (coloratura soprano) are often my size. Remember how the stomach is located directly under the diaphragm? Deep breathing compresses many of your organs, including the stomach. This causes some people to burp. To avoid excessive burping during your voice lessons, don’t drink anything carbonated on your way to class. These questions get their own category because I have gotten so many of them. Here are some of the strangest ones: Is singing in head voice bad for you? Is head voice “fake singing”? Does chest voice come from your chest? Head voice and chest voice are just the two main registers of the human voice. They both come from the vocal cords, not the actual head and chest (names can be deceptive). And no, neither of them is bad for you. Still wondering about the difference between the two? Check out this quick video lesson for further clarification. Bring On The Weird Questions Dont worry: weird questions about the voice are good! There isn’t a lot of reliable vocal information out there, and airing out your strangest queries can help you learn about your  voice. So don’t be afraid to ask your voice teacher about any of your vocal musings; the answers may help you become a better singer! Post Author:  Elaina R. Elaina R. teaches opera voice and singing in Ann Arbor, MI, as well as through online lessons. She received her Master of Music from  the University of Michigan, and she has a B.M. from the University of Southern California. Learn more about Elaina here! Photo by  U.S. Army Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Quoted and Reported Speech

Quoted and Reported Speech Source:Wikimedia Commons How do you punctuate quoted speech in English? Rules and Examples Punctuation rule #1   Use quotation marks () to surround the exact words someone says, asks, or interjects. You can find the quotation mark symbol on the French keyboard on the number 2 key.   Punctuation rule #2 Place exclamation marks (!) or question marks (?) inside your quotation marks (). Example: Get off! she spat. Who me? he asked. Punctuation rule #3 To join quoted speech to he said or an alternative, use a comma (,). INCORRECT: Hi she said.CORRECT: Hi, she said. Punctuation rule #4 Each speaker gets his or her own paragraph. Dont forget to indent paragraphs using the tab key.   Practice Exercises Practice Finding Quoted Speech Punctuation Errors.  Practice Correcting Quoted Speech Punctuation Errors.   Please follow and like us:

I Didnt Get the GCSE Results Needed for Sixth Form College

I Didn't Get the GCSE Results Needed for Sixth Form College So, you didn't get the GCSE results needed for your chosen Sixth Form College. Before you try any one of our options below,  first  contact your chosen college as soon as possible! They might let you in, anyway. If not, don’t worry! There are still options. Exam resits Speak to your chosen college before deciding to re-sit; some colleges may allow you to re-sit GCSEs alongside your AS Levels. It is true that many students do far better in re-sits, but your teacher will know your capabilities well. If your teacher believes you won’t improve, it might not be worth the effort. Remember that resitting exams can be lonely and will increase your workload. A-Levels are a big step up from GCSEs so bear that in mind when deciding. If you decide to take another year to prepare for Sixth  Form and get better GCSE results that’s perfectly okay â€" you really don’t have to go through AS and A2 exactly when everyone else does. You don’t have to re-sit at the same school either.  There are 5th   and 6th form colleges that specialize in putting students through GCSE resits â€" or you can always study at home, with a private tutor if necessary, and sit your exams as an External Candidate. An experienced tutor should be able to help you with this. Ask for a remark If you feel your mark does not reflect how well you performed, you can request a remark. The more subjective the subject is, the more chance the score could change. In other words, you’re more likely to get a remark in English or Humanities subjects than in Maths and Science. For the less subjective subjects it might be worth just asking for the ‘clerical’ remark service (i.e. did the examiner miss out any questions when marking, or add your marks up wrong?) which is often cheaper. Ask your subject teacher for advice on this and  bear in mind your mark could go down as well as up, so if you’re just a few marks above a grade boundary this could be a risky strategy! Search for another college Search for another college with lower entry requirements. You’ll need to contact the college admissions to check if there are still free places. As always, ask your school careers adviser for help and advice on this. Don’t make a rushed decision; it takes time to  discuss the pros and cons for each college choice. Retake the year You could retake the year to achieve the grades required to attend your chosen College. Before going ahead with this option, contact your chosen college and check that they will accept you if you were to retake the year. Remember that retaking the year might be difficult and could be lonely, but many students find A Levels a big step up from GCSEs, so there could well be advantages in taking one more year to prepare yourself for 6th form. Other Options You could consider other options such as vocational courses or apprenticeships. Again, speak to your careers adviser for help and guidance.

Guide to Prepare for Parent Teacher Conferences - ALOHA Mind Math

Guide to Prepare for Parent Teacher Conferences ALOHA Mind Math offers educational tips for parents to communicate with teachers during and after the Parent Teacher Conference. Before going into the parent teacher conference ALOHA Mind Math suggests there are several things a parent can do ahead of time to prepare themselves and their child. Keep in mind that an older child is usually more stressed than a younger child. It is the added pressure they feel on themselves and the unknown of what the meeting will uncover. To relieve the added stress, agree with the child that whatever the issues, together you will both enter the meeting with an attitude to assist the teacher to make things better and focus on improving. Remember that this is a stressful day for the teacher too. She is meeting parents every few minutes to review their child’s school performance. This is not the environment or the time to get into deep conversations or dive into the challenges at hand. Set a separate appointment to review what was discussed. The purpose of a parent teacher conference is to obtain a snapshot of the child’s learning. The first thing a parent can do is basic attend all of the meetings with the teachers. Being an informed parent can ease everyone going into the meeting. School Attendance Is the child arriving to school regularly? Or is he too early, or too late? If the school has not informed the parent of these mishaps then you can briefly directly address those then. Classroom Participation and Behavior If there have been issues in the classroom, teachers normally inform parents of excessive behavior in advance of the mid-year report. The teacher will review the child’s behavior and participation in class. Is the student cooperative, follows directions, and interacts with classmates well? Do they have a great attitude? Do they help other students in areas they excel? If needed, schedule a conversation of life disruptions or stresses that have affected the family and the child and their learning. Classroom Learning Parents can also ask their child about their learning. Surprisingly they can uncover quite a bit of information from a casual conversation about school in general, or what they like the most, what their biggest challenges are and why. This can be useful during the conference. The teacher will discuss whether the child is paying attention in class. Is his learning on average or above his peers? Standardized Tests Performance How does the child perform on these tests? What does the teacher see as their strengths, as well as areas that need more attention? Does the teacher see any patterns, or new learning or memory issues that signal future challenges or strengths? How can these be addressed at school and at home? Improvements in Learning Every parent wants their child to do well in school. Ask the teacher “Is my child working up to his ability? What can my child do to improve in those areas at school and at home? How can I assist? How can my child advance his skills and enhance learning both at school and home?” After the Parent Teacher Conference Now that the conference is over ALOHA Mind Math suggests the following steps to keep lines of communication open with the school. Set an appointment to review your concerns or life challenges that could affect his learning. Create a regular daily or weekly routine for about 5 to 10 minutes to examine the school website, social media page, or other means the school communicates with parents. Review the homework and projects schedule. This will keep the family updated to avoid procrastination of projects due the next day. Communicate regularly with the teacher and stay in touch regarding the child’s progress. This keeps you more involved with what is going on with the child at school. Everyone is more connected and updated on school activities, assignments, projects, in-service days, holidays, etc. Another advantage is that all parties are being kept updated on his learning, behavior, strengths, and challenges. Being an informed parent and prepared daily makes for a better relationship with the child and school; this in turn correlates to better attitude, behavior, and education performance.

Stop waiting for the Perfect Moment

Stop waiting for the Perfect Moment Stop waiting for the perfect moment, take the moment you have and make it perfect. -Rihanna. Robyn Rihanna Fenty (born February 20, 1988), known to everyone as Rihanna, is a singer and a model. Rihanna was born in Saint Michael, Barbados. At the age of 16, Rihanna moved to the United States to pursue a music career under the guidance of record producer Evan Rogers. She subsequently signed a contract with Def Jam Recordings after auditioning for then label head: Jay-Z. Rihanna has sold over 12 million albums worldwide in a record term of four years of her brilliant career and has received several accolades, including the 2007 World Music Awards for World’s Best-Selling Pop Female Artist and Female Entertainer of the Year, as well as the 2008 American Music Awards for Favorite Soul/RB Female Artist and Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist. Rihanna has attained five Hot 100 number one singles, becoming the first of the only two female artists with the most # 1 attained within the 2000s decade. She also serves as one of Barbados’ honorary cultural ambassadors.

How To Fix The Top 10 Cover Letter Mistakes Youre Making

How To Fix The Top 10 Cover Letter Mistakes You're Making Photo Credit: Rachael Cihlar/ 1. No Cover Letter.  This is one of the most common cover letter mistakes people make. Unless the company you are applying to specifically requests applicants not send a cover letter in with their  resume, a cover letter is needed. This problem has an easy solution:  write a cover letter. 2. Using a Generic Cover Letter. Using one general cover letter to send to each potential employer is lazy and shows you probably didnt follow the directions, as many companies ask you to answer specific questions in your cover letter. Also, by using a generic cover letter, you dont personalize your skills or mention the specific company. Having a rough cover letter template to use and personalize for each job is a much better way of ensuring your  resume is taken seriously and is a great way of avoiding this cover letter mistake. 3. Failing to Personalize.  Whenever and wherever possible, personalize your cover letter. Refer to the specific company you are applying to by name and dont just address your cover letter To Whom It May Concern or Dear Sir or Madam. By personalizing your letter, you show you have done your research into the company and know who will be considering your application, which is a subtle and good way of coming across as competent and detail-oriented. 4. Having Grammatical or Spelling Errors.  These common cover letter mistakes can be avoided by  proofreading, which is one of the most important things you can do before sending a professional letter in for consideration. Rereading your own work can help you catch mistakes you missed the first time around and spot places to tighten your writing. Also, writing in Microsoft Word or another writing application that has a spellcheck function is crucial as it will highlight for you where your spelling has gone awry. Lastly, check your grammar or ask a knowledgeable friend or family member to read it over for grammatical errors. 5. Hogging the Spotlight. Dont use your cover letter to just talk all about you; while this may seem counter-intuitive, potential employers want to read about what you will bring to their  company. So talk about your skills and accomplishments by writing how they would act as an advantage for you and be a  benefit to the business  if youre hired by their company. 6. Summarizing Your Resume.  Contrary to popular belief, a cover letter  does not  just consist of restating the contents of your  resume. The cover letter should provide a more in-depth look into who the company may be hiring if they employed you and you do that by talking about how your past employment experiences and skills would make you a good fit for the job (refer to #3). Photo Credit: iStockphoto 7. Handwriting a Half-Assed Cover Letter.  Writing a cover letter does not mean just scribbling a quick note or sticky to include before your  resume in your application. A cover letter has specific formatting and expectations that come with it and should never be handwrittenonly typed. 8. Formatting Incorrectly.  Your cover letter is a document being used to further your professional aspirations and should look like such. Your margins, font, font size, spacing, etc. should reflect that and relay to your potential employer that you take your job search seriously. Find a cover letter template structure you want to use and follow its layout when writing your own cover letter. 9. Sounding Desperate.  While of course you want to be hired, you dont want to come across as desperate for employment to companies. Do this by coming across as confident in both your abilities and their fit for the job you are applying for. Be concise and clear in your writing and while you dont want to hog the spotlight too much, you do want to make it clear in your cover letter that reading your  resume wouldnt be a waste of time and considering you for the position would be worthwhile as well. 10. Missing Information. Some of the most common cover letter mistakes are actually information left off of the cover letter. Failing to  include your contact information  or your signature could make the difference between getting a job offer or having your application end up in the rejected pile. Your cover letter and  resume could get separated so its imperative you include contact information, like your email address and phone number, on your cover letter. Search through the Uloop job listings to find your next Part-Time or Full-Time employment or Internship opportunity. Employers are waiting to hear from you!